NWEA Charter School Webinar
Navigating academic recovery in charter schools post-COVID-19
What is the state of academic recovery for charter schools since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic? What strategies can help us ramp up student growth?

In this session, Karyn Lewis VP of Research & Policy Partnerships, will address these questions and more. Join her as she presents on national research that will provide context for the trends that she is observing in charter schools. Look forward to the impactful instructional strategies that teachers can use to foster high levels of growth that exceed national averages.

This is a valuable opportunity for any charter school regardless of being an NWEA partner. Bring your questions and come ready to learn! We will see you there.

Karyn Lewis, PhD

VP of Research & Policy Partnerships
NWEA Learning Sciences

Jacob Bruno

SVP Professional Learning, NWEA

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